Friday, February 10, 2023

Puppies have arrived 🐾

 Introducing the newest members to our NorthStar pack!

In the wee hours of Tuesday morning (7th) the puppies made their way into this world and we are so excited to finally get to meet them! My 9 year old wanted to help so when I saw puppies were coming I woke her up and together we watched Taiga deliver in case we needed to help. The last girl who arrived gave us a scare as she arrived feet first and without a sac (typically they are head first and fully in their sac until Taiga opens it herself). The concern is that they will begin to breath before the airways are clear of liquid and that can cause many complications. Once she was fully out we helped Taiga clear the fluid from her and rubbed her firmly to get her to squeal and clear the last of the fluid herself. She did great and that first squeal was an amazing sound to our ears. ❤️

They are all so similar in size and calm and content which means they had a good welcome earthside and that Taiga is doing a great job keeping them fed, warm and dry! Puppies that are even a little uncomfortable can get quite noisy so we listen for that often in case we need to step in and help Taiga.

We have both male & female availability on this litter as a few people found puppies elsewhere and others want to wait until fall. Please connect with us and share if you are or anyone you know is looking to add an active member to their family 🥰❤️ Be sure to tell us you sent them so we can properly thank you! Referrals are the best 🙌🙏

© Northstar Weimaraners