Happy New Year!
We ended 2018 with Willows puppies heading to their forever homes just before Christmas and started 2019 with Rose having her final litter. She had 12 puppies!! After having almost 10 months with no puppies it was fun to have Willows around again. We missed having little guys under foot and teaching them all the things. Now we are enjoying new little ones and watching all our other puppies grow in their new homes. We so appreciate each and every one of you that take the time to update us and let us know how your pup/dog is doing. Many of our past customers are sharing pictures of random meetups and planned ones and it is so great to see so many NorthStar weims playing together! I will try put together some pictures to share here. Clyff is doing wonderful these days and spending his time lounging on the recliner and chasing snowballs out in the field. Mist is really coming along well and growing into a gorgeous girl. She is loving attending Junior Handling classes with my oldest and I have begun pre-agility with her as well. It is so much fun!! Watch for more updates as our older girls retire and we carry on our lines with new girls.
We do have 2 males available from our current litter so if you are interested in adding a weimaraner puppy to your family this spring please let us know by submitting an application form and inquiring as to whether those spots are still available or not. Here are some pictures of them.