Thanks for checking out our website! We hope it helps you decide if you want a puppy from our program and gives you an opportunity to learn more about Weimaraners and how we do things with our NorthStar Weims. I set up this website 10 years ago and while we had been raising Weims for awhile then already the past 10 years have brought about a lot of changes to how we do things and we are excited to keep learning. My goal is that our website will reflect that accurately to help clients understand what goes into our puppies. This will likely take time to update and evolve but we are excited to start the process and see where things go from there. Thanks for joining us on our adventures in raising your Loyal Companion.
Please view our AVAILABLE PUPPIES page for specific info on puppy rearing and breeding. Our waitlist is often a 6-12 months wait so if you are looking for a puppy right away unfortunately we will not be able to help. We appreciate all the time you put into looking for a breeder that is a good fit and know that it is worth the wait! For all of you wanting a puppy right away all the best with your search and your puppy! Please do your research on a reputable breeder as that will make all the difference for what kind of puppy you get to take home.
It is our joy and privelege to get to raise and empower the next generation of weim puppies. This is not a responsibility we take lightly. We also love to get to know our weim families during this time so we can build that life long relationship. Puppies are a huge responisibility for both the breeder and the family. Your long term feedback is so important to help us in breeding decisions. Not only health wise but also temperament and character wise. Thanks so much for joining us on the journey and trusting us to raise your next loyal companion.